Early labour
In early labour you may be doing most of the 'work' by yourself, some women enjoy the company/support/distraction of their partner, a close friend or a doula. Some simply want to be alone.
In early labour, ideally you are trying to remain relaxed and rested. Here are some tips:
Can you sleep?
Light walks
Are you hydrated?
Do you feel relaxed?
Gentle movements & promoting oxytocin!
Active labour
Active labour is the point where contractions/surges are consistent and considered 'progressing'.
Items you can consider utilising in active labour include:
Birth pool
You can hire these or purchase outright
Hiring can be done from a variety of businesses, often private midwives and some doulas offer these for hire
You will need a liner if you hire, a clean/new hose and adaptors
Consider your hot water system
Some set up a camping hot water system to ensure they have access to hot water
Birth Comb / Spikey ball / Banksia Seed Pod
TENS machine
Many women recommend a labour/birth specific one as best with the 'surge' function for contractions
Birth sling
You can buy these but a cheap altrnative is simply tying a knot in a sheet and catching it between the doorway/door
Smells - homeopathy
Music - what music do YOU enjoy?
Food + Fluid
Coconut water
Frozen fruit
Icy poles
Dried fruits
Bliss balls
This is the stage when you're about to meet your baby!
Some things you can consider:
Where do you want to birth?
Where else could you possibly birth?
Sometimes you don't always end up birthing where you intended! Are you prepped for that?
Birth Altar
Who is catching baby?
Blueys - this is the medical term for these but they're also called puppy pads. You can buy them easily from Kmart
Warm compresses for perineum?
Facewashes for cold water on your forehead/neck etc
A couple of towels
How do you want to tie off the cord? Cord clamp? Cord tie?
Where will you go after you birth - are these spots prepared for you? Remember there will be blood + other!
Matress protectors are great for protecting couches etc
Bed lasagne - many mums swear by this especially if labouring in bed.
Basically, you just make your bed multiple times!